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  • michele.iurillo@synergo.es
All Data Management Summit 2024 Roundtables

All Data Management Summit 2024 Roundtables

A few weeks before the last event of the Data Management Summit 2023 it is time to start thinking about the 2024 event. Therefore, we are going to advance the round tables that we have thought about for the event. We are also looking forward to your feedback on this approach. 

Challenges and Opportunities in Distributed Data Architecture: Exploring Data Fabric, Data Mesh and Open Platforms

As part of the Data Management Summit 2024, we are pleased to present the roundtable Challenges and Opportunities in Distributed Data Architecture: Exploring Data Fabric, Data Mesh and Open Platforms. In this exclusive gathering, leading experts in the field of technology and data management will come together to discuss the most pressing challenges and innovative solutions that are shaping the future of distributed data management.

This roundtable will focus on two mutually compatible paradigms: Data Fabric and Data Mesh. Participants will delve into how these two approaches are transforming the way we conceive and manage data in distributed and complex environments. The benefits of adopting these approaches will be highlighted, including the agility to adapt to changing market demands and the ability to manage data diversity effectively.

A key point of discussion will be the fundamental role of open platform design and the intensive use of APIs in distributed data architecture. The adoption of open platforms fosters collaboration and interoperability between systems, while APIs enable seamless and efficient integration between diverse applications and services. Experts will share practical experiences on how these technologies are transforming the way organizations manage their data, providing flexibility and adaptability in an ever-evolving digital world.

Challenges and Opportunities in Distributed Data Architecture at the Data Management Summit promises to be an educational and enriching experience for all attendees interested in being at the forefront of data management in an increasingly interconnected world. 

Barcelona 22th February 15:50 CEST
Bilbao 21th June – 15:05 CEST

Generative IA: Transforming Data Governance and Data Management

As part of the influential Data Management Summit, we are pleased to present a fascinating and innovative panel discussion entitled Generative AI: Transforming Data Governance and Management. This event brings together leading experts in artificial intelligence and data management to explore how Generative AI technologies are revolutionizing the landscape of government and data management.

In this roundtable, participants will dive into the exciting world of generative artificial intelligence (Generative AI). We will explore how these advanced technologies are being creatively applied to transform the way governments and organizations manage, analyze and use big data. From generating valuable insights to automating complex processes, Generative AI is taking data management to new heights.

A central point of discussion will be the role of Generative AI in improving government decision making. Experts will share practical use cases, demonstrating how this technology is helping governments anticipate trends, optimize resources and make informed decisions based on accurate data and deep analytics.

In addition, the ethical challenge and liability associated with the use of Generative AI in the context of governance and data management will be discussed. Panelists will discuss best practices to ensure transparency, fairness and privacy in the development and implementation of Generative AI-based solutions.

This roundtable will offer a unique insight into how generative artificial intelligence is transforming public administration and data management. Attendees will be able to learn from real-world experiences, understand the ethical implications, and explore opportunities to apply this innovative technology in their own professional contexts.

Generative AI: Transforming Government and Data Management at the Data Management Summit promises to be an enlightening and educational experience for professionals interested in exploring the boundaries of artificial intelligence and its impact on government and data management. Don’t miss this unique opportunity to learn from industry leaders and discover how Generative AI is shaping the future of data management in the public sector and beyond.

Valencia 17th October
Pavia 26th September

Strengthening governance and compliance with DORA and ESG through data lineage and metadata management 

In an era where regulatory compliance and sustainable business practices have become paramount, the panel discussion titled Strengthening DORA and ESG Governance and Compliance through Data and Metadata Lineage Management at the Data Management Summit offers a deep dive into the essential role of data and metadata lineage management in enhancing governance and compliance efforts aligned with DORA (Digital Operational Resilience Act) and ESG (Environmental, Social, Governance) standards.

This interactive session brings together thought leaders, regulatory experts and data management professionals to explore innovative strategies to strengthen governance structures and ensure compliance with complex DORA and ESG requirements. The focus will be on how meticulous management of data lineage and metadata serves as a lynchpin for establishing transparency, accountability and traceability in the data ecosystem.

Special attention will be given to exploring the challenges and opportunities associated with DORA and ESG compliance, with an emphasis on the crucial role of accurate data and metadata lineage management in navigating the complexities of these regulatory environments. Participants will have the opportunity to learn from industry experts, share their experiences and discuss emerging technologies and methodologies that can elevate governance and compliance practices to new heights.

How can organizations effectively align their data governance strategies with the specific requirements outlined in the DORA?

What are the key challenges organizations face in complying with the DORA, and how can metadata management and data lineage address these challenges? How can accurate data lineage management and metadata contribute to ESG reporting and compliance, particularly as it relates to environmental impact and social responsibility? Are there specific ESG-related metrics or indicators where data lineage is particularly valuable? What best practices should organizations follow to establish a robust data governance framework that incorporates data lineage and metadata management, ensuring compliance with both DORA and ESG? How can organizations balance the need for data accessibility with stringent governance requirements? What role does metadata play in achieving this balance?

What tools or technology platforms have proven effective in improving data lineage and metadata management for DORA and ESG compliance? Are there emerging technologies worth exploring? How can automation and artificial intelligence be leveraged to streamline the process of tracking data lineage and ensuring metadata accuracy, especially in large and complex datasets?

What are the common pitfalls organizations should avoid when implementing metadata management and data lineage solutions for compliance purposes?

How can organizations overcome challenges related to data quality, interoperability and integration when implementing these solutions?

How can organizations proactively prepare for upcoming regulatory changes by improving their metadata management and data lineage capabilities?

Pavia 26th September

Exploring the Future of Data Management in the Age of Quantum Computing

The Data Management Summit roundtable entitled: “Exploring the Future of Data Management in the Age of Quantum Computing“, will take us on a journey into the infinite and transformative possibilities offered by this innovative technology.

In this session, leading experts in data management and quantum computing will come together to discuss how Quantum Computing is completely redefining the rules of the game in the field of data management. We will explore how quantum algorithms are revolutionizing the way we store, process and analyze data, enabling previously unimaginable speeds and capabilities.

Participants will learn about the practical applications of Quantum Computing in big data management and how this technology is transforming advanced analytics and artificial intelligence. From optimizing business operations to simulating complex systems at the molecular level, Quantum Computing is opening new frontiers for innovation and discovery in the world of data management.

In addition, the challenges and opportunities that arise with the adoption of Quantum Computing in data management will be addressed, including data security and the need to develop new quantum data storage and management infrastructures. Participants will have the opportunity to explore strategies to prepare for this exciting technological future and maximize the potential of Quantum Computing in their data management operations.

Bilbao 19th June

Data Observability: Beyond the Horizon of Data Quality in a Dynamic World

In a world where data is flowing like never before, observability becomes an essential compass for organizations seeking to understand, manage and optimize their data in a dynamic and constantly changing environment.

During this roundtable, we will bring together leading experts in data science, technology and cybersecurity to explore the fundamental concept of Data Observability and its importance in today’s context. Beyond traditional data quality, observability takes us to a deeper level, where we understand not only the accuracy of data, but also its context, relevance and flow over time.

We will explore how organizations can implement effective observability practices to stay on top of changes in data, detect emerging patterns, and proactively adapt to market trends and customer needs. We will discuss innovative tools and technologies that enable real-time observation of data, enabling agile, data-driven decision making.

Gijon (Asturias) 16th March
Bilbao 20th June 15:30 CEST
Pavia 26th September

Innovation in Citizen Interaction: Chatbots and Technological Tools for Public Administration 

As part of the Data Management Summit PA, an initiative dedicated to excellence in data management in the public sector, we are pleased to present a stimulating and timely panel discussion: Innovation in Citizen Interaction: Chatbots and Technology Tools in Public Administration. This event brings together leading experts, technology innovators and government decision makers to explore the exciting landscape of citizen interaction facilitated by technologies such as chatbots and other advanced tools.

The roundtable will focus on the practical and strategic application of chatbots and other technological solutions to improve the connection between citizens and public administration. Participants will discuss how these chatbots, powered by artificial intelligence, are transforming the way citizens interact with government services. From basic queries to complex administrative processes, chatbots provide instant and accurate responses, improving efficiency and citizen satisfaction.

In addition to chatbots, other innovative technological tools that facilitate communication between government and citizens will be explored. From intuitive mobile apps to intelligent user interfaces, these solutions are designed to make interaction with the government more accessible, efficient and transparent.

Panelists will share practical experiences and case studies that highlight how these technologies are being successfully implemented in various areas of government, including health, education, social services and citizen participation. Challenges and best practices for ensuring data security, privacy and equity in the implementation of these tools will be discussed.

This roundtable will provide participants with an in-depth look at how technologies such as chatbots are transforming the citizen experience in government. Attendees will have the opportunity to learn from industry leaders, share insights and discover new ways to improve citizen engagement and administrative efficiency through technological innovation.

Bilbao 19th June 12:35 CEST

Enabling Technologies for Public Administrations: Transforming Citizen Services

In the context of increasing digitization and the demand for more efficient and accessible services, the Data Management Summit is pleased to present the panel discussion Enabling Technologies for Public Administrations: Transforming Citizen Service. This panel will explore the critical role that enabling technologies play in transforming public administration, improving operational efficiency and elevating the citizen experience to new levels.

In this roundtable, we will bring together leading experts in technology, innovation and public administration to discuss how the latest technologies are reshaping government services. From artificial intelligence and the Internet of Things to advanced analytics and automation, we will examine how these technologies are driving the modernization of the public sector.

Participants will explore case studies and concrete examples of how public administrations around the world are using enabling technologies to optimize service delivery. Implementation strategies, challenges overcome and lessons learned will be discussed, providing a comprehensive view of the opportunities and obstacles faced by public administrations in their journey towards digital transformation.

In addition, the roundtable will focus on how these technologies are enhancing citizen interaction and participation. From intuitive mobile apps to online citizen engagement platforms, we will explore how enabling technologies are enabling effective two-way communication, empowering citizens and fostering greater government transparency.

Canary 9th May
Bilbao 20th June 11:05 CEST
Rome 19th September

Navigating the Future of Data: Ontologies as Compasses in Data Governance and Open Data Spaces

Within the Data Management Summit we present a panel discussion entitled “Navigating the Future of Data: Ontologies as Compasses in Data Governance and Open Data Spaces” that explores the fascinating world of ontologies and their crucial role in data governance and the promotion of open data spaces.

In this roundtable, we will bring together leading experts in data science, semantic technology and data governance to discuss how ontologies are transforming the way we understand, manage and share data. Ontologies, by providing accurate and meaningful semantic structures, are the tools that will guide organizations in properly governing their data, ensuring its quality, integrity and trustworthiness.

We will explore how ontologies have become digital compasses, enabling organizations to navigate the vast ocean of data securely and efficiently. These semantic structures not only facilitate shared understanding of data, but also establish standards and protocols for open data spaces, promoting transparency and collaboration.

Ontologies are like detailed maps that guide us in a complex world of interconnected data. They are semantic structures that define the underlying relationships and meanings between data. In essence, they are the backbone that supports data spaces, giving them coherence and understanding.

Why are they so important?

Meaningful Interconnection: Ontologies allow linking seemingly disparate data, creating a coherent knowledge network. This facilitates the interpretation of complex data and promotes holistic understanding.

Accuracy and Consistency: By establishing clear definitions and relationships between data, ontologies ensure accuracy and consistency in all information. This is essential for informed decision making and reliable analysis.

Facilitate Search: In a world where efficient search is key, ontologies improve the accuracy of results by understanding user intent. This leads to a richer and more relevant search experience.

Foster Innovation: By providing a robust framework for understanding data, ontologies foster innovation by enabling the creation of new applications, advanced analytics and meaningful discoveries.

Promote Collaboration: By establishing a common language between different users and systems, ontologies facilitate collaboration between teams and organizations. This is critical in open and shared data spaces.

Bilbao 20th June – 15:30 CEST
Rome 19th September

Data Spaces as catalysts for territorial cohesion

In an increasingly interconnected world, data plays a crucial role in shaping territorial spaces and promoting social and economic cohesion. In this Data Management Summit roundtable, we will explore the impact of “Data Spaces” as catalysts for territorial cohesion and analyze how efficient data management can drive equitable development in diverse regions.

From the perspective of data management experts, government representatives and private sector leaders, we will examine how the availability, accessibility and quality of data can influence political decision-making, urban planning, local economic development and citizen participation.

Participants will discuss case studies and best practices that highlight how data spaces can be used to address specific territorial challenges, such as bridging the digital divide, promoting sustainable tourism, managing natural resources, and improving public services.

In addition, key topics such as data governance, privacy and security, public-private collaboration and citizen participation in the creation and use of data spaces to ensure equitable and sustainable territorial development will be explored.

Bilbao 19th Junes 15:30 CEST

Sustainable Tourism in the Canary Islands: Data Integration for Efficient Management

As part of the Data Management Summit Tour de Canarias, a round table discussion will be held entitled “Sustainable Tourism in the Canary Islands: Integrating Data for Efficient Management”. This event will bring together experts in tourism, data management and sustainability to explore the opportunities and challenges facing the tourism industry in this well-known location.

The roundtable will begin with a reflection on the crucial role of tourism in the Canary Islands economy and its impact on the natural and cultural environment. Participants will discuss current tourism destination management practices and explore how data integration can improve decision-making and efficiency in the sector.

Panelists will share experiences on the implementation of innovative technologies, such as artificial intelligence, big data analysis and geographic information systems, to optimize tourism planning and promotion.

The sustainable approach will be a central theme, highlighting the importance of balancing tourism growth with the preservation of the environment and local culture. Participants will discuss how data can be key tools to drive more responsible and conscious tourism, minimizing negative impact on natural resources and encouraging sustainable practices.

Public-private partnerships and citizen participation will be explored to strengthen tourism governance.

Canary 9th May